Sunday, August 21, 2011

How did this happen in Canada? We let it happen.

By Kim McConnell. August 20, 2011

Kim McConnell In the last week, our effort to bring some justice to the English-speaking people of Canada has been given a huge boost by the SunTV network. 

Beth Trudeau managed to attract the attention of Charles Adler and he gave her a chance for our organization to be in the public eye.  Beth, being a novice, was excusably nervous but managed to express very eloquently the frustration felt by many Canadians. 

Charles was good enough to follow this interview with some letters of support that he had received and also showed a spoof of the traditional battle between the English and the French.  We’re waiting for both items to be on the video archive of the SunTV so keep an eye on this link:

and let us know when they’re up!!

The Moncton News ran an editorial on the interview and also gave their readers some background on Charles Adler and included a link to the show that Charles had taped with Beth.  Follow this link:

Moncton is a city in the province of New Brunswick where the current battle of the 35% French-speakers is now for “duality”, having effectively achieved “official bilingualism”.  Talk about not being satisfied with having high-jacked most of the senior positions in government, they are now demanding “segregation’.  All this in a province that is practically bankrupt, depending largely on “hand-outs” from the Federal government, drawing mainly on resources out west.

One of our supporters urged me to reproduce some very famous quotes from French politicians which show that there is indeed an “agenda”.  Many mainstream columnists to this very day deny that there is such a conspiracy, i.e. that this whole social engineering exercise just came about with NO direct intervention on the part of the senior Francophones and Francophiles (those English-speakers who think that the French language and culture are so valuable that they should be preserved, protected and promoted.  A prime example is Graham Fraser, our current Language Commissar). 

I found some quotes from this site:

See also:


For over 40 years, what Pearson and Trudeau achieved is phenomenal!  All of it was done under the noses of Canadians, some of whom were vehemently opposed to the effort, but most of whom couldn’t care less, believing that this was the right thing to do. 

Giving service to a large minority of Canadians in the language of their choice seemed “reasonable” to most Canadians.  However, in the hands of some French-language zealots, this “reasonable” approach has escalated into exaggerated demands on the part of some people who saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of an “open-door” policy that effectively invited the French-speakers to exploit the policy beyond its limits.

Examples are myriad, but the three most recent ones have outraged even the most reasonable people, giving our battle new-found energy:

  • Michel Thibodeau’s court challenge over getting “Sprite” instead of “7UP” – a failure on the part of Air Canada to ensure adequate language in French.  Justice Marie-Josee Bedard agreed and awarded him $12,000 on top of the $5,375.95 that he had been previously awarded.
  • Judge Ouellette’s decision for $15M to be spent to build a French school for 41 Francophones.
  • Graham Fraser’s spending $40,000.00 to send Language Spies into the Ottawa market.  The annual budget for this office to keep pushing the French language is $1.5M
  • Gilles Caron, an Alberta truck driver, was fined $54 for failing to make a left turn safely in December 2003.  His challenge to the court has now climbed to $120,000 in legal costs to the provincial government.  His lawyer says the ticket was not written in both languages so he didn’t have to pay the fine.  Using that as a legitimate excuse, all French speakers in Canada can be absolved of ALL crimes!!!  Nice work, Pierre Trudeau!!!
  • Law breakers in New Brunswick have gotten off Scot-free because the arresting officer addressed them in the wrong language!!

How far are we going to let this go on?  This is NO way to run a country!



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