Monday, August 15, 2011

Bilingual battle taken up by SunTV

Canadians for Language Fairness, August 14, 2011

By Kim McConnell

Kim McConnell The language battle is raging and I cannot thank SunTV enough for the exposure that station has given our issue.  Many people have expressed concerns about SunTV and the fact that it is owned by Quebecor; they are saying that the owners of this station are French Quebecers (Pierre Peladeau is the principal owner) and what is the “hidden agenda”? 

I honestly don’t know and quite frankly, at this point, I don’t care!!! They are the ONLY mainstream media that has given so much exposure to the comedy of Michel Thibodeau being awarded $12,000 for not receiving “adequate” service in French on Air Canada flights.

They also spent at least one show exposing the ridiculous situation of a Yukon French judge ruling that spending $15M to build a school for 41 French students is OK.

They have also exposed Graham Fraser’s “Language Spies” as a program very much like one that the KGB would approve of.

By the way, CLF is working on mounting a “counter Language Spies” campaign.  A flyer will be distributed in the Byward Market in Ottawa, encouraging the Ottawa City’s business owners not to be intimidated by Graham Fraser’s Language Spies.  We are looking for volunteers.

I know that not all our readers have access to SunTV which is a real shame as it is not that difficult to adjust your TVs to get access to this fantastic station.  If you want advice on this, ask any high-tech person and he/she will be able to tell you how this can be done easily and cheaply. 

Failing all of that, you can google “SunTV” and look up their video archives.  Charles Adler, Brian Lilley, Ezra Levant have items that can be accessed.  If any of the items on the language issue have been deleted from the SunTV’s archive, “TheTruthXposed” web site has captured these items for you at this link:

I have so many things to report that I’m not sure where to begin. 

OK, item #1: Canadians for Language Fairness has a lovely spokesperson, Beth Trudeau, who will be interviewed by Charles Adler on SunTV at 8:00 pm on MONDAY, August 15th.  I posted this message to a few people in error and apologize for telling you that it was on Thursday, August 12th.  So, please tune in on Monday to listen to Beth Trudeau talk about our issue.  Thank God for SunTV for giving us a voice.

I also promised the supporters of New Brunswick that I would notify people of their campaign to be recognized.  There is going to be a rally IN FREDERICTON ON AUG 15 AT CITY HALL ON QUEEN STREET.  If you wish to participate to give yourself a voice, please contact Tiger Williams at: for details.


A Rally is being held on Monday August 15th at 5:00 PM to protest the Mayor's refusal to fly the Anglo Flag on Anglo Day September 18th, which is clearly discrimination against the English speaking majority of the province.

He and other City Mayors have no problem flying the Scottish, Irish. Acadian and even the Rainbow GAY flag. Therefore we must send the Premier and City Mayors a clear message that we do not appreciate being treated as second class citizens. Please attend and bring some friends.

Matthew Glenn, President  

Anglo Society of N.B.

I have not paid too much attention to the NDP and their choice of Nycole Turmel as their interim leader.  However, Peter Whitebone of Saint John of N.B. has this to say,

NDP and the Quebec separatists have long ties.  I am as surprised as any that the NDP would pick Nycole Turmel, a former Bloc and Quebec Solidaire member, as interim leader of the NDP! I am not surprised that the NDP, as reported in the Sun, has at least a dozen new NDP MPs who are separatists.

The NDP has been courting separatists for decades. Victor Forster, Sr., states in “Conning The Canadians” that the NDP, at its 1969 convention, proposed that Quebec should be given special status; and in 1977, Ed Broadbent said on a radio show that only Quebec should decide separation, even though he knew the separatists stated they would seize all federal property in Quebec and hold a referendum in parts of N.B. and Ontario to determine if they wanted to become part of their nation.

Yes, the NDP has a lot to answer for – they are heavily influenced by the Separatists who are extremely left-wing and would be happy to turn Canada into an extreme socialist (even communist) country, ruled by French-speakers from Quebec or N.B. 

Don’t forget that it was an NDP MP from N.B. (Yvon Godin) who wants ALL Supreme Court judges to be bilingual and that would mean that most of them will be French-speakers as they are the ones most likely to be bilingual.

The Courts in Canada have been heavily influenced by Liberal views because most of them were chosen by the Liberal governments of Pierre E. Trudeau and Jean Chretien.  The Conservative ones were put in their positions by Brian Mulroney - who is a Quebecer first before he’s Canadian - and who helped empower the French in Quebec to the point that, even now, a Conservative majority has its hands tied. 


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