Saturday, November 1, 2014

Supreme Court of Canada dismisses Quebecer’s Seven/Sprite suit against Air Canada

Response from a Quebecer: Cue the monolingual anglo whining section, proud Canadians all, as long as they don't have to speak, read, or hear the "other" Canadian language.  It tires them so.

My response: We do not have a problem with the language spoken in Quebec. We do, however, have problems with the puerile people who speak it.

If Quebecers were resourceful, diligent, and honest folks who worked hard and earned their way, you would not need the incredibly cumbersome, coercive, expensive, and divisive language legislation that has been enacted on your behalf.

If you were a proud people with an exemplary history, you would be too ashamed to accept the $1.3 billion in welfare that we ship to you every month.

So, a proud people with an exemplary history you are not.

And suing an airline for not serving you in your own language? That really is quite childish. That act alone tells us that you have some years to go before you are old enough to vote.

Grow up and we will welcome you in Canada. Continue as you are, and you will continue to earn our contempt.

Gerry Porter

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