Sunday, April 25, 2010

Supreme Court: Canadian or French

April 25, 2010

By Kim McConnell
Canadians for Language Fairness

For the first time in the history of our battle against Official Bilingualism, we have most of the mainstream media on our side.

I have captured for you three articles – two from the National Post and one from Newstalk 1010.  I have added more links at the bottom for those who want to read more from other parts of the country. 

The only articles I’ve read that urge the Senate to pass this bill are by Graham Fraser - who is only doing what he can to keep himself and his job relevant - and by Gregoire Webber, a lecturer in law at the London School of Economics and Political Science, who clerked for Justice AndrĂ© Rochon of the Quebec Court of Appeal and Justice Ian Binnie of the Supreme Court of Canada.  Webber is co-founder and executive director of the Supreme Court Advocacy Institute. 

Another proponent for the status quo which means – “keep the French in control of Canada”.  First, enact legislation that will give the minority French-speakers all the advantages and an easy path to power, then create a legal system that will crush any challenge by the majority to that entrenched system of power.

The majority English-speakers have nowhere to turn for respite.  We appeal to the Senate to block this bill and so far, we’ve heard from six Senators.  Five of them say “NO – they will not support the bill”; one said, “I stand for a bilingual country”.  That one was Larry Campbell, a Liberal Senator from B.C. who said he is not bilingual. 

For a list of the Senators who are against the bill, go to our web site: , proceed to Breaking News – Senator responses to Bill C-232.

As you get Senator responses to your request to block Bill C-232, please send their messages to us and we will add them to the list.  We must persuade at least 50 Senators to help.

Just in case you don’t think that you can actually make a difference, just look at what happened to Dalton McGuinty’s sex education policy for Ontario’s elementary schools.  A huge protest was mounted and he has backed down!!!  So it can be done – all we need are enough Canadians to care enough to do something!!!


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