Monday, July 14, 2014

Champlain Bridge

To: Prime Minister Stephen Harper,

Sir, if Quebec wants a new Champlain Bridge, they will pay for it themselves. Every bridge built within provincial boundaries is a provincial responsibility, and this particular bridge is no different; Quebecers must foot the bill for their bridge, not the rest of us.

Champlain BridgeCuddling and coddling Quebec and Francophones has become the default position of every level of government and we, citizens of the Rest of Canada, are sick and tired of our money going into Quebec coffers, ~$1.3B/month, simply because they happen to be French.

When Canadians need something, we buckle down and we work for it. It is high time that Quebec learned this simple lesson.  Whatever became of diligence and plain old hard work.

Gerry Porter,