Canadian Forums, January 2010
Folks, these are the people who transformed our nation. They consider their task unfinished.

“English Canadians have nothing to offer us but their stupid mediocrity. Everything that weakens and humiliates Canada must cause us to rejoice". Jeanne Sauve, former governor general, 1984-1990"
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"My roll as Secretary of State of Canada is first and foremost to ensure that my French compatriots in Canada feel with deep conviction, as I do, that this is their country and that it reflects their image".
"I too had some difficult years as a politician; I'm still having them, in fact, because everything we undertake and everything we are doing to make Canada a French state is part of a venture I have shared for many years with a number of people".
"You know the idea, the challenge, the ambition of making Canada a French country both inside and outside Quebec -- an idea some people consider a bit crazy, is something a little beyond the ordinary imagination". Serge Joyal, Secretary of State, but now in the Senate. 'ENOUGH' by J.V. Andrew, P 2.
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“Unilingual Anglophones will be sentenced to a lifetime of job immobility" - Pierre Trudeau.
Pierre Trudeau in 1966. . . when he was parliamentary secretary to PM Pearson stated, “There is no way that two ethnic groups in one country can be made equal before the law! “To say that it is possible is to sow the seeds of destruction”!
Knowing that it was immoral and wrong, two years later as Prime Minister Trudeau forced through his infamous Bilingual program. "Quebec can make French the only official language in spite of the Constitution". Pierre Trudeau, 1967.
" ....Given these facts, should French-speaking people concentrate their efforts on Quebec. or take the whole of Canada as their base? In my opinion, they should do both; and for the purpose they could find no better instrument than federalism", Pierre Trudeau, Page 31 "Federalism", (1968).
"The Canadian community must invest, for the defence and better appreciation of the French language, as much time, energy, and money as are required to prevent the country from breaking up" - Pierre Trudeau, Page 32, "Federalism" (1968) also quoted in “Farewell The Peaceful Kingdom” by Joe Armstrong.
"Quebec can make French the only official language in spite of the Constitution". Pierre Trudeau, 1967.
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"Bilingualism, in truth, was nothing less than a social revolution…no one in Ottawa in the later 1960's let on that a massive change was about to happen… Trudeau knew this all along. He lied about it as a necessary means to an end". Richard Gwyn in his book the “Northern Magnus”.
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"The separatists' Bill 101 is a brilliant piece of legislation" - Stéphane Dion, Federal Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs (2001), President of the Queen's Privy Council and newly appointed watchdog over official bilingualism. Presently leader of the Liberals (2001).
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"If Québec separates, I will go with it; my loyalties are with Québec" - Pierre Pettigrew, Federal Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce (2001).
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"We are never entirely satisfied and we want to promote bilingualism (French) even more than we do now" Lucienne Robillard, President of the Treasury Board, 2001.
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"The French language is mandated for use by government and its agencies throughout the country's capital in an effort to promote the French language, therefore there is no longer a career for Anglophones in the federal civil service in Canada". -Dr. Marguerite Ritchie, President of the Human Rights Institute of Canada, admitting during a panel discussion in 1995.
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"I cannot swear it, but I think we were thinking to ourselves,... we are a small group, Trudeau, Pelletier, Marchand, Lalonde, Chrétien, myself and a few people in the civil service, say 50 all told… we were bringing off a revolution. We held the key posts. We were making the civil service bilingual (French), kicking and screaming all the time". Jean-Luc Pepin, Minister of Industry, 1970.
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"Canada is going to be a French speaking nation from coast to coast and anybody opposed to this is opposed to the best interest of Canada". Leo Cadieux - speaking to French National Assembly, 1973.
"Canada is going to be a French-speaking nation from coast to coast". Leo Cadieux, Canadian Ambassador to France, 1973.
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Dr. Jim Pankiw, Canadian Alliance MP for Saskatoon-Humboldt, stood up in the house of commons on April 6th, 2001 and asked the liberal government the following questions:
Question No. 1: "Mr. Speaker, Treasury Board statistics confirm that for every increase in the number of federal public service jobs designated bilingual, there is a corresponding decrease in the participation rate of Anglophones in the public service. I should like to know what steps the government is prepared to take to end the systematic discrimination against English speaking Canadians with respect to hiring and promotions".

Response: "Mr. Speaker, this is probably the most insulting question I have ever heard in the House of Commons" Don Boudria, Liberal house leader.
Question No. 2 "Mr. Speaker, the Liberal government's application of forced bilingualism is costly, discriminatory and a source of national divisiveness and disunity. Not withstanding, I ask the Justice Minister why she intervenes on behalf of Ontario Francophones but does not request intervener status to protect Anglophones in Québec. She is prepared to defend the interests of French speaking people in Ontario but she is not prepared to defend the rights of English speaking people in Québec. Why is there a double standard?"
Response: None.
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"There will be no retreat in Quebec on the French language policy". Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Dec. 12th, 1986.
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"The government of Canada has no right to promote English in Quebec". Gil Remillard, Minister for Inter-Governmental Affairs, 1988.
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"Bilingualism is unthinkable for Quebec". Robert Bourassa, 1988.
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"Language legislation is utterly insane and is designed to encourage bigotry. There is no precedence anywhere for unity being enhanced through a policy of two official languages". Peter Worthington, Financial Post, July ‘88.
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"Anyone with a pea for a brain knows that our Canadian federal government is today firmly under French Canadian control". J.V. Andrew, Ret. Lieut. Cmdr. Navy, in his book 'ENOUGH' (Published 1988).
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Dr. Ron Cheffins, Victoria's political science professor and host on CFAX Tuesdays in B.C., is shocked at the new Official Language policy being worked in for April 1, 2004 under the blind eye of unilingual English-speaking Canadians.
The new policy states that all people applying for the top jobs in government, crown corporations, health care among other sectors must be fluent in written and oral French. Prior to this, the policy was that anyone who wanted these jobs had two years to bring their French language skills up to whatever level they needed to do their own job. They would be required to learn it while working on the job.
However, now the policy states that English only speaking Canadians (which of course we know is the majority) are literally locked out of these best jobs and leadership positions! We now have a full fledged dictatorship! What is even more shocking is the fact that no conservatives in any political party in Canada have ever tackled the French on this bilingualism issue. They have remained silent!
This new policy now slams the door on Western Canadians permanently! As it is now, the French control 65% of all administrative positions in government and the military. But the new policy states that everybody applying for any of these jobs must be totally fluent in French, both oral and written before even applying!
A National referendum on this crucial matter has never been conducted in Canada. If a referendum were held, Official Bilingualism would fail and the Constitution would have to be changed! This would end the French domination of the Anglophone population. That is why Ottawa has never permitted nor even discussed a referendum. It is the only way to understand the true needs and wishes of the majority.
In our parliamentary system, the people have no power, Ottawa has it all. In all the past years, not one Conservative leader has dared confront this issue. English speaking Canadians have never had a voice. They were manipulated into it by the leftist Trudeau Liberals. It is obvious that Canadian conservatives have always been impotent in this socialist regime. Why have they left millions of English speaking Canadians and their children unrepresented in the matter?
As long as it remains in place, it will continue to drain the Nation’s coffers while millions who make up the majority of Canada, English speaking, will be discriminated against and will fester with the resentment, will not be working in the future, or you must speak French to be employed by any level of government.
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